Photo Galleries
Mardi Gras!
With only days to go to Ash Wednesday, we gather for a Mardi Gras party…on Sunday (just getting ahead of the crowd!) This year the theme was a celebration of culture, with a diversity of food and decorations. Norway…Germany…Mexico…Japan…Russia…The Netherlands…Ireland…all represented. Lots of good treats, great conversation, and an appreciation for the diversity of life and culture, gifts of a good and gracious God!
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Choir Christmas Cantata
Sunday, December 22, and Christmas is not yet…but it is on the horizon…and we are getting ready! The choir did it’s part, filling the sanctuary with music, sharing “A Carol Suite.” Wonderful music sharing the wonderful story that creates the “most wonderful time of the year.”
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Christmas with kids!
Sunday, December 15, and despite icy roads and a flu bug going around, almost 40 kids showed up (along with parents and families) to share the Christmas story. Lots of story, music, and a bit of humor as we heard the reports “live from Bethlehem,” of some strange happenings involving a child, angels, and more. Most of all, we heard “Good News!” God is at work in our world through Jesus Christ! Thanks for all who helped make this happen, especially the kids who shared and sang, witnessing God at work.
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Christmas beckons…time to decorate!
The first Sunday of Advent…and December, and we are decorating the trees for the sanctuary and putting up a few other decorations around the sanctuary. A hardy crew of adults and kids gathered to make it happen. Thanks to all who put in some time, energy and creativity to dress up our worship space for the season!
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Norwegian Dinner
The first Saturday in November means it’s “Norwegian Dinner” time! First held in 1925, the Norwegian Dinner has been an (almost) every-year event. This year, over 330 meals of lutefisk, lefse, meatballs, potatoes, rutabaga and Norwegian treats were served. ALL the profits go to agencies and ministries that meet human needs in our community and around the world. The dinner starts with weeks of planning by the “Lutefisk Ladies” (joined by one guy!) Then, on Saturday morning the prep goes into high gear with a crew preparing the meatballs and lutefisk, and making sure all is set. Then the dinner – cooking, serving the crowd, cleaning up, and a bake sale on the side. Thoroughly enjoyed – from the experienced lutefisk connoisseurs, all the way down to the newest lovers of the Norwegian Dinner! A special thanks to all who planned, worked, and ate!
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October Nature Walk
God at work! Yes, God is – and we discovered God’s work on our nature walk October 27. With fabulous weather, about 20 explorers wandered the trail back behind Veterans Memorial Park, looking for God at work, with Jim Kerkman guiding us. Walking along the river and into the fields we encountered trees and bushes, woolly bear caterpillars and a garter snake, and lots of “end of the year” looks. We also spotted invasive species, trees with a virus, and a train passing by on the tracks. Jim shared some items he brought along. We were also given a small rock with a message, and asked to place it somewhere for someone else to find. Can you spot Pastor Jon’s rock? God at work…in many ways, some we easily grasp, some not. But always gifts of grace!
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October is booming!
It’s October, the weather has been great, the colors are out in force, and God is at work! Sunday, October 20 the band played, 3rd graders got their Bibles, the Sunday School children sang, and Bishop Malpica joined us. He shared the message, connected with the kids, led a forum, and then joined the council for a meal. What a great day! God is good, God is at work, God is our life!
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Sunday School and Confirmation off and running…
It’s a new year, and Sunday School and Confirmation are off to a great start! Sunday, September 8, Sunday School began with Rally Day – Pastor Jean leading the opening and sending kids, teachers, and “classroom grandparents” off to class. Then, on Wednesday the 7th and 8th graders began confirmation by serving – a successful (again!) scavenger hunt for the food pantry. Thanks to the kids, parents who worked with us, and all (congregation members and neighbors) who shared generously for the sake of those who live with food insecurity. A great way to start the year!
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Mother’s Day, 2024
So, it’s Mothers Day…and Sunday School comes to a close. The kids practice one more time, teachers are thanked with gifts, and ice cream is shared with classroom “grandparents.” Then, as we worship camperships given to some of the kids heading to Sugar Creek, the children sing out, and finally, a children’s message about Jesus’ Ascension. Really, he even went higher than the scaffold used the week before to install new speakers! In the end, it’s all about Jesus and God’s love for children…of all ages!
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After 32 years…
After 32 years of faithful service, it is time to move on from the old organ to a new instrument, thanks to a generous gift. On May 5th, during worship, we gave thanks to God for the ministry of the old organ, for those who provided it many years ago, and for the musicians who played the instrument over those many years. Then, we got to work! Special thanks to the crew from Rodgers – and from Our Savior’s – who worked diligently to get it all done on one Sunday afternoon! We will use the new organ for the first time on May 19, dedicate it on May 26, and look forward to a celebratory “recital” of sorts later in October. But for now – enjoy pics of the removal of the old and the installation of the new!
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Confirmation, 2024 – Part 2
April 28 – the second Sunday with “Affirmation of Baptism” as our program transitions. After 24 kids on April 14, this week 15, mostly 8th graders, had the opportunity to affirm the promises made long ago by parents and sponsors, but also to celebrate the promises made and kept by God. Again, parents and sponsors joined in the laying on of hands as young people were blessed and sent forth to bear fruit in a hurting world. God continues to be at work throughout creation, and especially in the lives of God’s people!
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Bed Building
Saturday, April 27, and Our Savior’s partners with Sleep in Heavenly Peace to build beds for children who sleep on floors or sofas, working at the Lion’s Shelter. We hoped hoping to build 30 beds with 60 volunteers from Our Savior’s and around the community. What happened? Over 70 showed up, we used all the wood and built 36 beds, and finished early! What a great way to “bear fruit” (John 15:1-8 – the gospel reading for the weekend.) And already some talk about doing this again! Thanks for all who made it happen!
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Confirmation, 2024 – Part 1
With a year of transition, we have two Sundays with “Affirmation of Baptism” by our young people. The first…April 14…24 mostly 9th graders affirmed the promises made in their baptism, by parents and sponsors, but even more, by a good and gracious God. Coming forward to be a part of the laying on of hands, parents and sponsors joined in asking God’s blessings upon their children. Coming later…on April 28…the next batch…mostly 8th graders. God at work in the lives of God’s people!
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Easter 2024
Hey, its Easter…Christ is risen, he is risen indeed! And as we gather to celebrate, the kids help us start by un-burying the alleluias, tossing some “high-fives” and shouting “Alleluia – way to go Jesus!” They also share the message in their singing. A great celebration of hope and life in the crucified, but now risen, Jesus!
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Easter Egg Hunt 2024
Of course. After a very mild winter, it snows on Palm Sunday! So…the Easter Egg Hunt goes indoors! With 5th graders hiding the eggs…the younger kids have some fun finding over 450 eggs! A few were cracked, but no worry – they were all plastic eggs, filled with treats. Best of all, the kids could also rehearse for singing on Easter. And what a gift that will be! Watch the Easter video on our video page to catch the music, the energy, and the witness!
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First Communion, 2024
Time again for 5th graders to learn about the gifts of God’s grace through Holy Communion. In two settings the kids worked on a ceramic chalice (thanks to Angie Hemker for her help!) Then, to class to learn the ins and outs. Finally, we finish off the chalices and bake the bread for Maundy Thursday worship. Great time with great kids – and of course, a great God!
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Mardi Gras Party
Ash Wednesday and Lent are almost upon us…earlier in the day we had our “Celebration of Hope” as we gathered for the Festival of Transfiguration (check out the video of our worship!) Then (before the Super Bowl) came our Mardi Gras party. Lots of good treats, activities for kids, music, and sharing. a great time to beat the “winter blues!”
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Kids and Carols Getting Ready for Christmas
Sunday, December 10, and we are getting in the spirit, sharing the Christmas message in very different places. First, in worship our children share the message. Jon Iliff, for his “Panther Portfolio Project,” required of all West Salem High School seniors, directed the Sunday School program. Over 40 kids, lots of music and energy, and the message of Jesus! Then, later that day, we head over to Hunter’s Bar for an hour of “Egg Nog and Carols.” Music with the band, a few drinks and brews, along with some pizza, and lots of carols. Over 50 joined us, even a few curious folk hanging out in the bar. Great music, great fellowship, and great witness!
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Norwegian Dinner 2023
It’s that time again! The Norwegian Dinner, complete with lutefisk, meatballs, lefse, rutabagas, potatoes, cranberries, and all sorts of Norwegian treats. Saturday, November 4, over 300 from all around the Coulee region, and even beyond, enjoyed the goodies! For almost 100 years the dinner has been a staple of congregational life. And why is that? Because…it’s part of tradition…it’s a “congregation community” event…and most of all, because ALL the proceeds go toward ministries and programs that meet human needs, it lives out our calling as disciples of Jesus.
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Halloween 2023
Boo! Once again the older confirmation students (this year, 8th and 9th graders) put on a Halloween Party for younger kids – with over 20 attending and enjoying the fun. Jesus was with us, along with games, treats, and some really great costumes! From set up to party time, it was a great event.
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2023 Gospel on the Green
OK, it’s not green – it’s concrete – but again, continuing a long standing tradition, we gather for worship outdoors, over at the Lion’s Shelter. with absolutely perfect weather. But it’s not the weather that makes it work. The SOS band plays, the choir sings, Pastor Jon preaches, Pastor Jean leads worship, but in the end…it’s the people of God, the Body of Christ, gathered together – that’s what makes it work! For worship, for connecting, and then…for a meal together. What a great day!
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Feed Our Children – Summer lunch ministry
Another week, another round of lunches for hungry kids in West Salem…and this year, Bangor too! Each week 160+ lunches on Tuesday and Thursdays – that’s over 3000 meals for the summer! First, a crew assembles the meals. Food donations from around the community, including a number of businesses, and workers of all ages from Our Savior’s and other congregations all come together. After the meals are assembled some are delivered, and some picked up, while the Boys and Girls Club gets a bunch too. A great ministry, a wonderful gathering of people from all parts of the community, and a big difference made in the lives of kids!
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National Night Out
August 1, a beautiful evening, and the whole community comes together for National Night Out at Village Park. Our Savior’s gets ready with some goodie bags advertising the Corn Roast on August 9, and then gets the table set. Games, treats, food, and a lot of relationship building. Our Savior’s joins many other community groups and businesses in supporting with our presence and financial support. Looking forward already to next year!
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Beer and Hymns, Campfire Style!
Once again, it’s time to gather for some good old fashioned hymn singing, and a few refreshments on the side. With music, s’mores, beverages of choice, and lots of fellowship, we gathered at the Iliff home around a campfire on a beautiful evening. Oh, and Jesus was with us too. What more could you ask for?
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Easter 2023
Christ is risen, he is risen indeed! Alleluia! Easter worship was…a blast as we celebrated with gusto the resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Kids all over the place, brass and joyous singing, the Easter Gospel, and the Eucharist – it just doesn’t get any better than this! Now, off we go to live out the resurrection in every day life as faithful disciples of the living Jesus!
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Palm Sunday 2023
Palm Sunday…and we look ahead to a week of passion, knowing “the rest of the story!” But first, a sneak preview – an Easter egg hunt for the kids. Eggs are hidden, the kids gather, and off they go – even some generosity as one who gathers her limit shares with a younger child who hasn’t found them all yet. And then, time to tally the score and have some treat. But we’re not done yet – off to worship, and the procession with palms followed by the story of the week – the story of sacrifice for the sake of life!
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Mardi Gras!
February 19, 2023, and we are getting a jump on Mardi Gras. We gathered to sample dishes from the new cookbook, crafts for kids, New Orleans Jazz in the background – a great time! We even had a contest for the favorite dishes – the winners each getting a home-made ceramic tile. Can’t wait to do it again next year!
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Christmas 2022
Yes, it’s a packed house again as we celebrate Immanuel – “God with us” – in the presence of Jesus, the child of Bethlehem. Lots of music, candlelight, and of course, the Christmas Gospel. Watch the video to hear the choir and the message!
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Sunday School Christmas Program 2022
We’re counting down the days…Advent is quickly moving us toward the celebration of Christmas. On December 11, the Sunday School children shared the message of the baby, the hope, and new life. Check out the video on the video page, but for now…enjoy the pics!
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Norwegian Dinner 2022
Yes, it’s back! The Norwegian Dinner returned after two years “in quarantine!” A different format…smaller numbers…but lots of good times, fellowship, and connecting. Lutefisk, meatballs, lefse, rutabagas, cranberries, and lots of Norwegian treats were on the menu. Best of all, all of the proceeds go outside of Our Savior’s to ministries and agencies that meet the needs of people. A great celebration of tradition, gathering the community, to serve the needs of people – doesn’t get any better than that!
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Halloween 2022
It’s here again – Halloween! And while some are fearful amidst an uncertain and overwhelming world, we are confident and hopeful because God is at work in Jesus. And so again, our 9th graders offered our younger children a fun and safe experience, but we didn’t forget Jesus! Activities and decorations reminded kids that Jesus is in control – and that is great news!
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Corn Roast 2022
August means…Corn Roast! Once again we headed over to the Lion’s Shelter, and invited the community to join us in a corn roast, along with hot dogs, watermelon, and other goodies. Over 400 shared in the meal, with some good fellowship and connecting going on as well. A huge thanks to the crew that set up, cooked the corn, served the meal, and cleaned up afterward. Our gift to the community around us as we give thanks for their presence in our lives!
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Corn Roast 2021
August, 11, 2020, and after two years…the Corn Roast returns! The Corn Roast is our gift to the community, and we again served close to 400. This year – with masked servers, and distanced tables, we gathered at the Lion’s Shelter, sort of outdoors, on a beautiful to enjoy hot dogs, watermelon, treats, and of course…great roasted corn! A fabulous crew worked together, as they always do, to serve old and new friends, and to share in God’s gifts of life. A gift to the community, but in the end, an even gift of God to us!
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June 2021
It’s June…and it’s been hot, so the Congregation Council decided to “cool off” by using its June council meeting time to gather around the fire pit, with s’mores and a time for renewing relationships. It’s been a long time with Zoom meetings, so we even invited families to join us. We also thanked Steve Ahles for his leadership over the past 6+ years. Great to be the church…and to be able to do “God’s work with our hands!”
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“Servant Leadership” with the 7th Grade Confirmation Class
Yes, the pandemic continues, but at Our Savior’s we are still working to “make disciples.” Early in May Becki Murphy shared her insights on “servant leadership’ with the 7th grade confirmation class. A beautiful evening, the fire pit going, snacks and goodies, and some assistance from Wendy Kane – and there you go, a great time to gather and connect (safely), and to grow in discipleship! Thanks, Becki, for sharing your gifts with our young people!
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Easter…and Christ is risen indeed, Alleluia! We gathered for worship at the Lion’s Shelter, with 200+ joining us. We heard the Easter story, reflected on the new life we have in Jesus, shared in the sacrament, and very safely, rejoiced in music and song. Take a peek at our time together. But first, in the weeks leading up to our worship 35 families colored an individual tile (not knowing what it would become), which when assembled, proclaimed “Alleluia!”
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Ash Wednesday
How do we share ashes and celebrate Holy Communion in the midst of a pandemic? Like this! Despite the cold (below zero during the morning shift, and a balmy 13 in the afternoon), and with the help of some hardy assistants, over 90 folk received ashes and celebrated Holy Communion. And when they left they took with them a few “kisses” of God’s grace (conveniently wrapped as chocolate kisses!) We also sent folk home with a project. What’s the project? Check back on Easter!
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Feed Our Children
OK, so it’s Covid time, but summer is here, kids are hungry, and “Feed Our Children” is at work. Different this year. No delivery in the park, but we do deliver to outlying areas, and we have pick up here in town. We are “social distancing,” and wearing masks. Makes for a strange sight, but it’s worth it to feed – and to protect. Thank you to all our supporters in the community – businesses, organizations, other churches, and individuals – you make this happen!
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In the Midst of the Virus…
In the midst of the virus, we got “chalked!” Sometime, after noon, on March 22, someone decided to “chalk” us. And did they do a good job! Messages of hope and life, even in the midst of the pandemic. To whoever gifted us, thank you! Enjoy the “chalk art”…and hear the messages spoken to you!
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Forward…Fearless…and Faithful!
Sunday, January 12, and the Forward: Fearless and Faithful team invited the congregation to a “winter walk” at the Experimental Forest. Why? Fresh air and exercise, of course…but even more, an opportunity to explore how we experience God’s presence, even in what seems to be the lifelessness of winter. Frozen ground, bare trees, and no bugs – but God is still with us! Another walk, in April, will explore the new life of spring. Watch for it!
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Christmas Is All About Children!
Well, not really. It is all about a child, a very special child – Jesus! Still, children are great witnesses of what Jesus is about. On December 14, worship included the PK-2nd grade Christmas presentation. 33 kids shared the good news of the birth of Jesus! As they ended, they were led out by the star, carried by Pastor Jean. Then, the next morning worship included the 3-5th grade kids – 28 of them – led in by the star, and then their sharing of the good news. Check out the video of both programs on the video page. Kids – the child – the love of God – it really doesn’t get any better than this!
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New Moms’ Group
A new ministry – connecting moms together to share and support. Sunday, December 8, the moms and kids gathered to make (and sample) Christmas cookies. Some quality time together, creating sweet treats and great memories! And next for the moms’ group? Just wait and see!
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Trimming the Tree (and a bit more!)
Advent has arrived, and Christmas is on the horizon. On “Advent 1” (December 1) a big crew of 38, ranging in age from less than 1 to 70+ gathered to trim the tree and “deck the halls.” With a full tree, several beautiful wreaths, colorful banners, and a bunch of ornaments and lights, we were ready to go. Add in eager workers, some willing to brave the heights, and it all came together. Pizza and other goodies didn’t hurt! A few weeks yet to go, but Christmas is looking good!
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2019 Halloween Party
Every year the 9th grade confirmation class takes some time to learn about “Jesus, monsters, and me.” Then, they put on a Halloween party for PK-3rd graders. They plan and carry it out themselves, with one challenge – figure out how to work Jesus into the party! This year’s party was (again) a big success, with around 30+ children attending. Lots of fun, lots of laughs, a few tears when it was time to leave, but most of all, lots of Jesus!
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Takin’ It to the Streets!
A beautiful October Sunday, and the 4th grade class couldn’t think of a better use of a beautiful day than to bolder share the good news – “sidewalk chalk style!” Out in front of the church they shared the message of God’s grace through Jesus. Good job!
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Corn Roast – 2019
Time again for the corn roast, as the harvest is underway! Once again Our Savior’s provided a gift to the community, with a meal of roasted corn, hot dogs, and other goodies, free of charge. Around 500 joined us at the Lion’s Shelter on a beautiful August evening. Thanks to ALL who worked hard to make the roast work. Didn’t make it this year? Watch for the 2020 roast in early August. We want YOU to join us!
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June Dairy Days, 2019 (May 31-June 2)
June Dairy Days, 2019 (May 31-June 2) brings the West Salem community together, and many visitors to town. Music (including our own SOS Band), food, a parade, and lots of community time together make the event what it is. Besides the band, Our Savior’s has two responsibilities – early Saturday morning we run the “Fun Run,” and throughout the weekend, together with St Leo’s (Roman Catholic), we operate the food barn. In return, we get a “cut of the action,” a portion of the “profits.” This year those funds will be split 50/50 between youth ministry and the ELCA World Hunger Appeal. A great deal – we get to be a part of a great community event, we make a difference in the world, and we have fun doing it!
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May 12, 2019
Mother’s Day brings the last day of Sunday School. The kids prepare to share music in worship, then together for some celebrations – class “grandparents” join us as we rejoice in over $1000 this year for God’s Global Barnyard, recognize several kids for consistent attendance, share “thank-yous” with teachers, and then…ice cream! Sunday School returns on September 8 – and we always have room for more!
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April 14, 2019
It’s Palm Sunday – Sunday of the Passion, and the kids join the choir in the procession with palms and sharing the anthem. We process in, around the church, and to the front, palms in hand! Then, later that day, our fifth graders gather for their second “First Communion class.” They finish off their chalices, bake bread for Maundy Thursday (and their First Communion service), and then finish off learning about God’s gifts of grace through the Sacraments. And then…off to Holy Week!
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Just a few of the ministries…
So, what happens in the ministry at Our Savior’s? Lots of stuff…and lots of variety! Take, for example, a few weeks ago…we began the week with “Beer and Hymns” at Westview – an hour of hymns, along with our favorite refreshment. We were public – someone from the bar even closed the curtain to the bar – I guess we making too much music – and a bit of witness?!? Check out the pictures! As the week went on, more learning, worship, and pastoral care. Then, at the end of the week, a funeral, along with a lunch, a time of fellowship and support for a grieving family (see more pics). And while the funeral was on, the food pantry was open for business, changing lives in the community. All part of a week at Our Savior’s!
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Advent…leading to Christmas!
Advent is full swing, and Our Savior’s is finding lots of ways to prepare for the coming of the Christ Child. December 16th featured the younger Sunday School children sharing the story of Rufus, the dog who finally found a gift to give to the newborn child! Then, on Sunday morning the older Sunday School shared what it’s like to celebrate a “crazy, busy, peaceful, holy night!” With lots of music, of course! Finally, Sunday evening 35 or so gathered at Westview to celebrate “Eggnog and Carols” (aka “Beer and hymns”). With a favorite beverage in hand, we spent an hour singing Christmas carols, accompanied by a five piece band. Thanks to the band and all the voices that raised a song of celebration! How about you? Are you ready to welcome the child in the manger?
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Of cookies, trees, and more…
Advent began with wet, snowy weather, but lot of stuff going on inside. Cookies baked fresh as a gift, the “Good Gifts” ornaments available (each ornament represents a gift to the ELCA World Hunger Appeal), and small gift bags to take and share with those who need a “pick-me-up.” And after all that (what, there’s more???), we trimmed the tree and decorated the sanctuary. All with pizza and other goodies, as a hearty band “decked the halls.” Advent is here…Christmas is on the horizon!.
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Prayer Labyrinth Blessed
Thanks to Kessler Goodenough and his Senior Exit Project, the Prayer Labyrinth is ready to walk, ponder, and pray! Located in the lot across from the parking lot, the Prayer Labyrinth provides a place to leave the hectic pace of life behind, walk the labyrinth, and encounter a place for prayer. Still a work in progress, a bench will be added in spring. Meanwhile, on October 28, the congregation gathered after worship to ask God’s blessings on the labyrinth and those who will come to this place to pray.
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Halloween Party
Each year, as part of their exploration of discipleship, the 9th grade confirmation class throws a Halloween party for younger children. Games, snacks, and costumes are all a part of the fun. And so is Jesus! The class is challenged to figure out a way to include Jesus. This year they found a story about Jesus, and children, and God’s love, sharing it with the kids before the party began to rock. And rock it did! Almost 30 younger children enjoyed some fun, learned about God’s love, and got to see older kids engaged in discipleship. So, it may be Halloween, with ghosts and goblins, but we know Jesus is still Lord of all!
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Sunday School
Fall brings the return of Sunday School classes. Again this year around 100 children are learning about Jesus, and beginning to discover God’s call to discipleship. Rally Day on September 9, brought them out in force, and classes jumped right in. Thanks to a great group of teachers and assistants, talented music leaders, faithful parents, and lot of energetic kids we are off and running. At the same, older kids are coming together for Breakfast Club. And remember, there is always room for more!
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Corn Roast
Harvest time is upon us, and the corn is great! Once again Our Savior’s shared the harvest with our neighbors with our annual Corn Roast. The dinner, a gift to the community, was held again at the Lion’s Shelter, Close to 400 shared the bounty and some good community fellowship. The car show is a special, added attraction. Lots of hands made the roast work. Thanks to all who helped make it happen – and a special thanks to our neighbors for joining us!
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Beer and Hymns – Campfire Style!
It’s August, and the dog days are just around the corner. But first, we celebrate “Beer and Hymns – Campfire Style!” We gather at the Iliff’s, with brats, burgers, hot dogs, lots of dishes and deserts, and an assortment of beverages. But most of all, we are the Body of Christ – 40 or so, from toddlers to the young 90’s, and every decade in between. And after dinner we are ready to rock the neighborhood with a variety of hymns, bearing witness to the love and grace of God through Jesus. All sung to the beat of our “campfire band.” Oh, and yes – we even have a campfire and s’mores.
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Every year Our Savior’s Youth hold a peach sale – and the peaches for 2018 have just arrived, fresh from Colorado. But before anything sells, got to get them off the truck. This year, for a bunch of reasons, was much more challenging, but we made it! Between 15,000 and 20,000 peaches, weighing around 10,000 pounds are ready to be picked up. And good stuff too! Thanks to the crew who assembled to get them into the cooled off sanctuary, and to all who are ready to enjoy great peaches.
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2018 ELCA Youth Gathering in Houston, Texas
The 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering in Houston, Texas, is history! Now, on to Minneapolis in 2021. But first…a glimpse at Houston. From the mass gatherings at the NRG Stadium (31,000+ kids and young adults), to our service day (we are just a bit of the 10,000 each day who went out to serve Houston), to our NASA visit, our interactive day fun and our synod day gathering, we had a great time! And closing worship? Have you ever celebrated Holy Communion with 31,000??? We have…and it was great – great to God at work in the lives around us, and in our own lives! So, sit back and enjoy the (our) trip!
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June 2018
June, 2018, and folks from Our Savior’s join others in the La Crosse Area Synod in our annual assembly. But first, we gathered some sheep – each sheep representing $500 towards world hunger, because hunger is “baaaad!” Our sheep, all seven got ready, then joined us at the assembly, becoming part of the 122 sheep that gathered at the assembly. Some of our sheep even ended up in prominent positions. A lot of the other sheep were well crafted, attractively decorated. But in the end, all of us, whoever we are, are gathered around the font, empowered by the Spirit, and sent forth as disciples of Jesus!
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June Dairy Days 2018
June Dairy Days meant “busy days” as Our Savior’s plays a big role in the community event. First, the Fun Run – over 200 runners this year, on a cooler morning (great for running!) Congratulations to all who finished the race! Then, it was the food booth at the park. Partnering with St Leo’s and Prince of Peace, we staffed the booth for three days, feeding hungry tummies with food and beverages. Our share of the proceeds this year will serve as seed money for an intergenerational mission trip in 2019. Thanks to all who worked hard to plan the run and booth, and all who were there to make it happen!
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December 31, 2017
December 31, 2017, and Jake Iliff leads worship, along with sharing the message, as part of his Senior Exit Project.
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December 17 – Sunday School Christmas Program
Sunday, December 17, and 52 younger Sunday School kids (PK – grade 2) share the message of Christmas to a crowd of 250+. In music and story, and with a little help from some of the older kids, they proclaim the good news! Enjoy the pictures, and check out the video on our video page.
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December 16 – Sunday School Christmas Program
Saturday, December 16, and 32 older Sunday School kids (grades 3-5) share the message of Christmas to a crowd of 200+. Enjoy the pictures, and check out the video on our video page.
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Youth Mission Trip 2017
The 2017 youth mission trip to Tennessee is ready to roll! Early on Saturday the crew gathers to begin the drive, and then head off to make a difference in the lives of others, but also to be touched by those whom they meet. The big question – who gets more out of this, the kids who serve, or those who they think they are serving, but who are in reality the presence of Christ in their lives?
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June Dairy Days, 2017
This year’s float sharing the news of Vacation Bible School later this summer. Our handouts also helped spread the word for the summer lunch program.
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Celebrating 35+ Years
On May 27/2, 2017 we gave thanks for Kay Niemeier’s 35+ years of service to Our Savior’s. In retirement she will move on to new and better things – caring for her new grandson!
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December 17, 2016 – Sunday School Christmas Program
3-5th graders “follow the star” and share the good news of Christmas!
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> click here to watch video
Summer Lunch 2016
Summer lunch was another big hit – almost !75 fed twice a week! Lots of community support and willing hands made this ministry possible. Thank you to all who shared!
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Synod Assembly 2016 – lots of cows!
Each cow represented $500 towards world hunger, raising over $70,000. Our Saviors sent 6 good looking cows!
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Sunday School Christmas Program, December, 2015
Thanks to West Salem Presbyterian Church for hosting us!
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9th grade Halloween party for younger kids 2015
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Vacation Bible School, August, 2015
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June 7 – Bonnie Klos is ordained to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament
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June Dairy Days Float
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Sunday School Mother’s Day project, 2015
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Scavenger Hunt 2015
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6th Grade Retreat 2015
> click here to view
2015 Urban Immersion for 7th and 8th graders in Minneapolis, February 6-8
> click here to view
359 N. Leonard
West Salem, WI 54669
Phone: 608.786.0030